VIP Guests visiting from El Paso, TexasThe Mike Robles GroupPart One44′ VikingMiguel RoblesKevin McCormickMarcos RipertoRoger Medrano
The Port is Open!
Let’s Go Fishing ..
VIP Guests visiting from El Paso, TexasThe Mike Robles Group Left Side 44′ VikingMiguel RoblesKevin McCormickMarcos RipertoRoger Medrano
The Port is Open!
VIP Guests visiting from Layton, UtahMatt BarrettStacy BarrettAustin BarrettZoee HuntsmanKylee BarrettDallin PainterAlfred Burnham 40′ Custom
VIP Guests visiting from Houston Texas Wright Baber, Kelsy Mcmeans, Blake Bierhaus and Paige Strunk
28′ Cruiser 2
September 3, 2022
Let’s Go Fishing Tomorrow!
Our esteemed Port Capt issued his decision and will open the #cabosanlucas port at 6am. Thank you to all VIP Guests for cooperating in shifting dates and in some instances boats! We appreciate you!
#welcometothefamily #green #music #guitarist #rockandroll #tommy #tommydanger
August 31, 2021Good day of catching and catching and releasing on our 40′ Custom
August 31, 2022#fishingfriends #chickswhofishVIP Guests Susan Robins and Colleen Ciucci visiting from Sierraville California28′ Cruiser 2
Fishing Duo
VIP Guests Bobby Rodriquez and Dad Miguel Madero
8/29/2022 day One for VIP guests Dad and son visiting from New Braunfels Texas
Bobby Rodriguez and Dad Manuel Madero
28′ Cruiser
VIP Guests Mike Kerzie Nd Steve Green visiting from San Jusn Capistrano California enjoyed another day!
48′ Cabo