August 2022 has been HOT for our 44′ Hatteras “Photos Tell The REAL REEL Story” (c) 1999 Booked forBisbee Black and Blue Marlin Oct 26/27/28 Currently available for:Los Cabos Billfish Oct 17/18/19Bisbee Los Cabos Offshore Oct 21/22Western Outdoor News Tuna Jackpot Nov 3/4
8/27/2022#welcomeback VIP Guest Mike Kerzie and #welcometoourworld Steve Green
The Month of August 2022has been pretty awesome for our crew and the VIP Guests on 32′ Cabo Express.
Ready to Fish
8/25/2022#summersalmostover #cabo #comevisit #cabomagicOur amazing crew on 28′ cruiser #keepgoing
Cabo Magic VIP Guest with Marlin
8/23/2022 44′ Hatteras
Tommy and Lori Garcia’sTeam Cabo Magic SportfishingEstablished 1999“Experience You Can Trust”We arrange private sportfishing excursionsAboard Pangas, Cruisers, Sportfishers, Yachts.Something for every budget.
Cabo Magic Guest
8/2/2022 Today our 58′ Riviera released Marlin ad boated a Dorado
The guests aboard requested we not display their names or faces. We always respect guests requests for privacy.
8/22/2022 On our 58′ Riviera today 3 Marlin released + a Dorado boated.Clientes request we do not display them or their names. We always respect requests for privacy.
8/22/2022 VIP Guests Steve and Sheri Hanneke with friends Rick and Ginger Raborn visiting from Ridgeland, Mississippi
34′ Blackfin